
Monday, June 8, 2015

Bye NYC!

I'm standing at my gate to Scotland currently, and thought I'd bang out a quick goodbye post. 

GOOD-BYE NYC. YOU HAVE BEEN MY FAVORITE. Thanks to all my incredible friends for taking the time to come hang with me, call me, brunch with me, have a drink with me, FaceTime me, text me, etc. etc. I love you and am obsessed with you guys. Also thanks to the random lady at the airport for obliging me and taking the above photo and getting into it with the angles so it turned out perfectly.

I can't believe this moment is here. All the planning and stressing and booking, and it's here! I've only cried like 5 times today tops, I swear, and I am 80% terrified and 20% thrilled, but I know this will be the start to an incredible adventure.

See you on the other side! Xoxo


  1. YOU ARE AMAZING! I truly can't wait to read all about your adventures! I'm so happy you are going to be spreading your spark all across the globe. The countries you touch are the luckiest! LOVE YOU!! XO

    1. Ugh, you are the sweetest. Love you so much!
